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~ Louise Westra

Why you need to detoxify in the 21st century

Why you need to detoxify in the 21st century

June 18, 20243 min read

There are LOTS of reasons why consciously paying attention to your detox pathways is a great idea.

One of those is air pollution…

When you think of air pollution, you probably think about car emissions and smog from traffic, right?

And yes, fumes from car exhausts are the primary source of outdoor air pollution, BUT studies have shown that indoor air can be 2 – 5 times more polluted than the air outside your home!

And it’s the liver that carries the burden of dealing with the chemicals from both specifically the channels of detoxification that do the work to ensure you aren’t impacted.

The more the exposure increases the more work for the liver and for those detoxification pathways (and indeed the whole body!)

So where do these indoor sources of pollution come from?

Well, quite a few places; here are some examples:

  • Air fresheners

  • Hair sprays

  • Wood burners

  • Your make-up

  • Your skin care products (that mango smell probably did not come from a mango!)

  • Household cleaning agents

  • The furniture in your house

  • The clothes you wear

AND whilst your car isn’t technically your home, many people spend quite some time in their car which is also a place where you breathe in loads of harmful chemicals.

Those chemicals off-gas from parts such as the steering wheel, the dashboard, the seats as well as out of the heating and cooling systems.

These chemicals off-gas into the air we breathe and contribute to that well-known “new car smell” as well as playing a role in a variety of acute and long-term health concerns.

You also then need to consider other sources of body burden such as medications (however necessary they are), pesticides and herbicides on food, and even receipts from your shopping.

A question I get asked a lot is “How will I know if I need help with this?” And whilst I believe everyone can benefit from a deeper understanding of the body burden you’re carrying, there are some messages from your body that make it pretty clear it’s an issue.

Those include:

  • Headaches

  • Muscular aches and pains

  • Fatigue

  • Intolerances

  • Skin disorders

  • Weight gain

  • Bloating

  • Constipation

  • Excessive sweating

  • Chronic infections

  • Lower fertility

  • Reduced libido

  • Brain fog

  • Mood issues

  • Reduced tolerance of stress

  • Hormonal imbalances including PMS, PMDD.

If you’re currently managing any of these then you probably don’t need to be. But what you will need to do is find ways to support your body to deal with all these things to ensure they get efficiently removed from your wonderful body.

So what can you do to help yourself?

Well, various things of course including:

  • Changing your personal care products and cleaning products.

  • Keeping a window open as much as possible both at home and in your car.

  • Use an essential oils diffuser or baking soda to absorb odours.

  • Get your sweat on. Via exercise and/or sauna if appropriate.

  • Looking at specific house plants. NASA researchers found that certain common houseplants effectively purify the air.

  • Ensure you have a regular bowel motion. Twice a day is ideal for most people.

AND start to get really informed about YOUR specific needs because learning where your detoxification pathways are getting “stuck” and increasing the negative effects on you and your body allows you to create the right strategy to compensate for all this exposure and ensure you and your liver aren’t paying the price.

If you’re ready to find out what your liver needs to help you thrive in the 21st century then get your Detoxification Profile today:

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Louise Westra

Louise Westra, a health practitioner and expert in naturopathy, herbal medicine, and nutrigenomics, is passionate about empowering high-achieving women to reclaim their vitality. From overcoming her own health struggles, Louise now helps women balance their hormones, boost their energy, and manage stress with personalized, science-backed strategies.

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