Hormonal Rollercoaster Got You Down? Get Your Free Clarity Kit – Start Here!


Clarity Blueprint

Unlock the Secrets To Your Hormonal Health

Dive deep into the individual insights your genes offer with our comprehensive Hormone Clarity Blueprint, which combines cutting-edge nutrigenomics and personalised health strategies to address your hormonal imbalances. Are you ready to understand how your genes, environment, and lifestyle converge to impact your hormonal health?


Clarity Blueprint

Unlock the Secrets To Your Hormonal Health

Dive deep into the individual insights your genes offer with our comprehensive Hormone Clarity Blueprint, which combines cutting-edge nutrigenomics and personalised health strategies to address your hormonal imbalances. Are you ready to understand how your genes, environment, and lifestyle converge to impact your hormonal health?

Does Any of This Sound Familiar?

As a high-achieving woman balancing career, family, and personal goals, it can feel like your health and hormonal challenges are making life harder than it should be and holding you back from living your best life. If you experience any of the symptoms below, understanding your hormones through a holistic, science-backed lens could be the key to unlocking your full potential.

Consistent Fatigue: Persistent fatigue that leaves you feeling drained and and makes engaging fully in both work and personal life much harder than it used to be.

Period Issues: Unpredictable menstrual cycles, heavy bleeding, or skipped periods impact your daily activities and emotional well-being.

Weight Gain & Belly Fat: Unexplained weight gain, particularly around the belly, leads to frustration and insecurity, despite efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Sleep Issues: Trouble going to sleep, not being able to stay asleep and/or waking feeling like you aren't rested with a foggy brain that just won't get into gear?

Stress & Anxiety: Feeling the impact of chronic stress from your daily juggle struggle in the form of irritability and anxiety or even feeling like you are emotionally deflated and your sense of humour has abandoned you?

*Stress & Anxiety is explored in even greater depth in our Nervous System Profile Blueprint, providing a more comprehensive understanding and tailored interventions.

Low Libido: Reduced interest in intimacy due to hormonal fluctuations or stress adds strain to your relationship and affects your self-esteem.

Mood Swings: Rapid and unpredictable mood changes at any time of the month or at any hormonal lifestage, affecting emotional stability and relationships.

Acne & Excess Facial Hair: Noticing unwanted changes in your skin and hair? Unexpected acne appearing or facial hair undermining your personal confidence and making you want to be less visible?

Overwhelm & Burnout: Struggling to balance high expectations at work and home leaves you drading that next hormonal shift. Because you know it will unsettle and undermine your energy, emotions and performance even further.

Memory Problems: Difficulty retaining information or focusing with a reduced mental sharpness is impacting your decision making, creativity and professional confidence.

Samantha's Journey to Clarity

“Before working with Louise, I struggled with fatigue, irregular periods, and severe mood swings that made it hard to focus on work or enjoy family time. The Hormone Clarity Blueprint changed everything. Louise guided me to understand the root causes of my imbalances and provided a personalised plan addressing my genetics, dietary needs, and lifestyle. Now, my energy is consistent, my moods are balanced, and I have a deeper understanding of my body. Louise's expertise has transformed my life.”

What If I Told You...I Had This Exact Problem!

I understand the frustrations you're facing because I was there too. As a high-achieving woman juggling career and study, I found myself overwhelmed by fatigue, mood swings, and relentless hormonal fluctuations. Despite my best efforts, I struggled with hormonal rage, terrible bloating, fluid retention, painful periods and unpredictable energy levels, all of which left me feeling like I was losing control of my body.

These health challenges held me back from fully enjoying my life and led to burnout, even before I added being a mum into the mix! I knew there had to be a solution beyond simply pushing through the discomfort because I did that for years and dug myself a hole SO deep it took years to recover from. Through a journey of self-discovery and research, I embraced a holistic, science-backed approach that combined my expertise as a naturopath, health practitioner, and nutrigenomics specialist to uncover the root causes of my hormonal imbalances. By addressing these issues at their source, I regained my energy, stabilized my mood, and found confidence in my own body again.

Now, I'm passionate about sharing my journey and empowering other high-achieving women to take control of their health with a personalized, holistic strategy that honours their unique needs. Together we can listen to the messages from your body and unlock the secrets from your genes with the Hormone Clarity Blueprint.

What If I Told You...I Had This Exact Problem!

I understand the frustrations you're facing because I was there too. As a high-achieving woman juggling career and study, I found myself overwhelmed by fatigue, mood swings, and relentless hormonal fluctuations. Despite my best efforts, I struggled with hormonal rage, terrible bloating, fluid retention, painful periods and unpredictable energy levels, all of which left me feeling like I was losing control of my body.

These health challenges held me back from fully enjoying my life and led to burnout, even before I added being a mum into the mix! I knew there had to be a solution beyond simply pushing through the discomfort because I did that for years and dug myself a hole SO deep it took years to recover from. Through a journey of self-discovery and research, I embraced a holistic, science-backed approach that combined my expertise as a naturopath, health practitioner, and nutrigenomics specialist to uncover the root causes of my hormonal imbalances. By addressing these issues at their source, I regained my energy, stabilized my mood, and found confidence in my own body again.

Now, I'm passionate about sharing my journey and empowering other high-achieving women to take control of their health with a personalized, holistic strategy that honours their unique needs. Together we can listen to the messages from your body and unlock the secrets from your genes with the Hormone Clarity Blueprint.

Unlock the Secrets to Balanced

Hormonal Health

The Hormone Clarity Blueprint offers a comprehensive, personalized approach to uncovering and addressing the root causes of hormonal imbalances.

By combining cutting-edge genetic insights with holistic health strategies, this program helps you understand how your genes, lifestyle, and environment affect your hormonal health. With the right knowledge and support, you can achieve consistent energy levels, balanced hormones, and a renewed sense of vitality.

The Hormonal Clarity Blueprint includes the profiling of your DNA to determine how your gene variants could be impacting your hormones. This is followed by an in-depth 60-minute 1:1 session to translate your results into a tailored plan around the specific foods, nutrients and environmental factors that can influence and improve your hormonal experience. This ensures that you gain clarity on the 'what,' 'why,' and 'how' of your unique health journey, so you can regain control over your hormones and embrace your best self.

Inside the Hormone Clarity Blueprint

The Hormone Clarity Blueprint provides comprehensive, science-backed support beyond the genetic test itself. By uncovering how your genes, environment, and lifestyle choices interact, this program delivers a personalized plan to tackle hormonal imbalances at their root.

Genetic Insights

Gain clarity on how small variations (SNPs) in your DNA impact the way your body processes essential hormones like cortisol, estrogen, and progesterone. During your 1:1 session with Louise or one of her team you'll:

Identify hormonal bottlenecks with precision

Feel empowered to manage hormonal responses effectively moving forward

Understand your genetic predisposition to certain hormonal imbalances and therefore offer yourself more grace

Gain key actionable takeaways that fit into your life

Genetic Insights

Gain clarity on how small variations (SNPs) in your DNA impact the way your body processes essential hormones like cortisol, estrogen, and progesterone. During your 1to1 session with Louise or one of her team you'll:

Identify hormonal bottlenecks with precision

Feel empowered to manage hormonal responses effectively moving forward

Understand your genetic predisposition to certain hormonal imbalances and therefore offer yourself more grace

Gain key actionable takeaways that fit into your life

Epigenetic Expression

Learn how your food choices, key nutrient needs, and lifestyle habits can help or hinder your genetic expression, impacting how your body handles hormones and stress.

Understand the impact of diet and nutrients on gene expression

Make intentional lifestyle changes to promote balanced hormonal health

Discover key nutrients that can positively influence your genetic expression

Understand how lifestyle habits, like sleep and exercise, can support gene activation

Epigenetic Expression

Learn how your food choices, key nutrient needs, and lifestyle habits
can help or hinder your genetic expression, impacting how your body handles hormones and stress.

Understand the impact of diet and nutrients on gene expression

Make intentional lifestyle changes to promote balanced hormonal health

Discover key nutrients that can positively influence your genetic expression

Understand how lifestyle habits, like sleep and exercise, can support gene activation

Interconnected Systems

Begin to explore how the body's systems, including detoxification, methylation, and the nervous system, work together to regulate your hormones.

Understand how different systems affect hormonal balance

Develop a clear strategy to address the root causes of imbalance

Recognize the interplay between stress and your hormonal experience

Understand the importance of supporting your detoxification pathways to prevent hormonal imbalances

Interconnected Systems

Begin to explore how the body's systems, including detoxification, methylation, and the nervous system, work together to regulate your hormones.

Understand how different systems affect hormonal balance

Develop a clear strategy to address the root causes of imbalance

Recognize the interplay between stress and your hormonal experience

Understand the importance of supporting your detoxification pathways to prevent hormonal imbalances

Comprehensive 1:1 Support

Once your Hormonal DNA has been collected and coded at our lab, we will have a comprehensive 60-minute 1:1 session to review your results and develop a personalized plan.

Gain clarity on the 'what,' 'why,' and 'how' of your health journey

Receive targeted recommendations to achieve lasting hormonal balance

Dive deep into your personal report with actionable next steps

Get recommendations for further steps to refine your plan as your health evolves

Don't Just Take My Word For It…

Here's What Other Women Say!

"My health was at its lowest. I was tired, had stomach pain, and felt overwhelmed. After finding Louise, my digestion improved, my energy soared, and my stress eased within 8 months. Louise's expertise brought me peace and vitality, and I am forever thankful for her support."


"Fatigue, weight gain, and mood swings controlled my life. Louise's guidance transformed everything. My energy levels soared, my weight became manageable, and my mood stabilized. Her approach brought clarity and resilience, allowing me to embrace life with renewed vigor and confidence."


Start Your Hormonal Health Journey

3-Step Process to Hormonal Clarity


Buy the Bundle

Order the Hormone Clarity Blueprint, receive your test kit with clear instructions, and access exclusive videos and resources. Complete the test at home and send it back to the lab for comprehensive analysis.


Lab Test & Analysis

Your results will reveal valuable genetic insights about your hormonal health. We will analyse the findings to understand how your unique genetic profile impacts your hormonal balance. Your report will highlight key areas for improvement
and provides a resource you can come back to time and time again.


1:1 Online Session

In a detailed, 60-minute session, we'll guide you through your results to explain your unique needs and offer personalized recommendations. Together, we'll explore the 'what,' 'how,' and 'why' of your unique hormonal journey to develop a tailored action plan.

Get Your Hormonal Clarity Blueprint Package

Today Only £499

I am excited to offer the comprehensive and life-changing Hormone Clarity Blueprint for only £499! This enlightening approach will help you take control of your hormonal health by uncovering the unique genetic factors impacting your health and well-being.

Here's What You'll Receive Today!

Comprehensive Genetic Test: Receive a DNA collection kit with clear, easy-to-follow instructions. Your sample will undergo a detailed lab analysis to provide insights into your unique genetic makeup and hormonal profile.

Supportive Resources: Gain access to a personalized dashboard filled with videos, insightful and practical resources tailored to enhance your understanding of hormonal health.

Personalized Action Plan: A 60-minute 1:1 review call with Louise Westra, or one of her associate practitioners, during which they will explain your results and offer a tailored plan addressing the 'what,' 'why,' and 'how' of your unique health journey.

Exclusive Discounts: Access exclusive discounts for personalized 1:1 health mentoring and online sessions to deepen your health journey and receive tailored support.

Achieve These Results with

Hormone Clarity Blueprint Package

Understanding the root causes of your hormonal challenges through the Hormone Clarity Blueprint package is the first step in your personalized health journey. By following the actionable steps outlined in your results, you'll be able to work with Louise and her team to achieve:

Consistent Energy & Focus
Say goodbye to persistent fatigue and brain fog. Maintain consistent energy throughout the day and focus clearly on both your career and personal life.

Hormonal Balance & Stable Moods
Regain control over unpredictable mood swings and hormonal imbalances, leading to more stability and confidence in your emotions and well-being.

Support for Weight & Metabolism
Begin to explore how to best support your metabolism and weight management. We'll provide further recommendations and guide you towards the most effective tailored strategies to help you achieve the healthy body composition and confidence you desire.

Better Sleep
Overcome sleep disturbances with personalised strategies that improve your sleep quality, helping you wake up refreshed and energized.

Restored Libido & Confidence
Rekindle your self-esteem and intimacy by addressing the root causes of low libido and hormonal fluctuations, allowing you to enjoy fulfilling relationships.

Improved Mental Clarity
Boost your creativity and concentration by effectively managing hormonal imbalances that impact cognitive performance. We’ll ensure you receive personalized insights to unlock your best results, guiding you towards any additional tailored strategies as needed.

Start your journey with the Hormone Clarity Blueprint and uncover the first step

towards balanced health and well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What exactly does the Hormone Clarity Blueprint test analyze?

The Hormone Clarity Blueprint is a comprehensive genetic test that examines your DNA to identify specific variations that affect hormonal processes. This includes insights into how your body handles cortisol, estrogen, progesterone, and other crucial hormones, providing a detailed view of factors that may lead to hormonal imbalances.

How is the Hormone Clarity Blueprint different from standard hormone tests?

Unlike standard tests that only measure hormone levels at a given time, the Hormone Clarity Blueprint combines genetic data with current hormonal levels to offer a more comprehensive view of your hormonal health. This approach helps in understanding not just the 'what' of your hormone levels but also the 'why'—the genetic reasons behind hormonal imbalances.

What can I expect during the 60-minute 1:1 review session?

During this personalized session, Louise, or a member of her hand selected team will go over your test results in detail, explaining the genetic markers that have been analysed and their implications on your health. You'll receive tailored advice and a strategic action plan based on your unique genetic and hormonal profile, empowering you to make informed decisions about your health management.

How will this test help me manage symptoms like fatigue, mood swings, or weight gain?

The Hormone Clarity Blueprint provides targeted insights into the genetic and environmental causes of symptoms like fatigue, mood swings, and weight gain. Understanding these factors allows Louise to develop personalized strategies that address these symptoms at their root, offering you a holistic approach to improve your overall health and well-being.

Is there any preparation required before taking the Hormone Clarity Blueprint test?

No special preparation is required before taking the test. You will receive a kit with all necessary materials and detailed instructions on how to collect and return your sample safely. It's important to follow these instructions accurately to ensure the validity of your test results.

What ongoing support is available after I receive my results?

After the comprehensive 60-minute review session, you'll have the opportunity to book follow-up sessions for continued guidance and adjustments to your health strategy. Additionally, you can explore exclusive access to personalized 1:1 health mentoring or group sessions to maintain your progress and deepen your journey towards health and well-being.


Don't Miss Your Opportunity to Transform Your Health

The Hormone Clarity Blueprint is more than just a genetic test - it's your personalized roadmap to understanding and conquering the hormonal imbalances that hold you back. You will gain comprehensive insights into your hormonal health and a detailed action plan that will allow your hormones to work for you, not against you, at any stage of life.

Why Now?

Limited Availability: Each session with Louise or her team is designed for in-depth, one-on-one attention, meaning slots are limited and fill up quickly.

Limited-Time Offer: Secure your package for £499 now! Prices are set to rise due to increasing lab costs. Don't miss this chance to invest in your health at the best rate available!

Exclusive 1:1 Session: Gain personalised insights and a comprehensive action plan during your 60-minute session with Louise or her team, designed to set you on a clear path toward balanced health.

Invest in Your Health & Well-Being Today!

Don't let hormonal imbalances dictate your energy, mood, and confidence any longer.

Gain clarity, take action, and transform your health.

Science-Backed Holistic Health for Women